Ordonho Alvares

Ordonho Alvares[1] (ca. 1230 – 1285) was a Spanish Cardinal[2] of the Papal Curia[3].

He was secular abbot of Husillos in 1274[4] and later becamearchbishop of Braga (1275–1278)[5]. As Cardinal he was bishop of Frascati and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.



  1. ^ Alvarez, Ordonio Alurz, Ordoño Álvares, Ordonius, Ordhon, Oddon, Ordeone, Ordeano.
  2. ^ From 1278.[1]
  3. ^ The Spanish Church and the Papacy in the Thirteenth Century
  4. ^ Chapter 12: The Spanish Church and the Papacy in the 13th Century
  5. ^ [2], [3]